

Even though volleyball may not be as popular as football or basketball, it is still a very pricey sport. An average volleyball can cost anywhere from $15-$40, mainly depending on the quality, brand, and level of play it is intended for. A volleyball net can cost about $20 if it is poorly made, or it can cost up to about $300 if it is made for high-grade durability. Volleyball shoes costs $100-$140 dollars depending on the brand and style. As of 2015, the wholesale slaes of volleyball realted equipment in the United States came out ot a total of $72 million.

If you are interested in playing for a club, you must be willing to pay as low as $250 and as high as $5,000 per season. The cost of the club is all depending on the level of competition and the number and locations of the tournamnets. Paying the cost of club volleyball may be worth it in the future beause playing club improves your skill level and can get you a sport scholarship in college. Also, in the professional level, a rookie can make around $8,000 per season, while the average top volleyball players can make more than $100,000. However, after playing a whole season on a professional contract and factoring in sponsorships, the highest level professional volleyball players can make more than $1 million in a year.

Image from www.vimeo.com