

Volleyball is the fifth most popular sport in the world. Unlike many other sports, there are two forms of volleyball, indoor volleyball and beach volleyball. For indoor volleyball the court is thirty feet wide by sixty feet long. It has a center line which splits the court into two sides. There is also a ten foot line on each side of the center line, which is ten feet from the net on each side. The net is raised about seven feet and elleven inches high for men and seven feet and four inches high for women. On the left and right side of the net, there is an antenna. These antennas indicate the out of bounds area.

In indoor volleyball there are six players on the court, three in the front and three in the back. The back row players can not jump and hit infront of the ten foot line. However the front row players, typically the blockers and hitters, are allowed to jump and attack from anywhere on the court. All the players rotate through six rotations and the coach is allowed to make 18 substitutions per set. The objective of volleyball is to not let the ball touch the ground, because once the ball touches the ground it is a dead ball and the other team gets the point. The team that scores 25 points first, wins the set. Although, the team must win by at least 2 points, for example: 25-23. The game is played best of three sets. If a team wins two sets then they do not need to go to the third set. However, if one team wins one set and the other team wins the next set, then they play the third set to 15 points. In college, the game is played best of 5 sets.

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